Brief Guide to September Birthstone
Sapphire is the September birthstone. Sapphire is well known for its blue color but sapphire can actually come in many colors besides blue. Sapphire is derived from sappheiros the Greek word for blue. This gemstone does produce some of the most beautiful blue colors.
Sapphire is a variety of corundum. Ruby is the red variety of the mineral corundum. Sapphire is the name for all other colors of corundum other than red. The gemstone sapphire is allochromatic which means it can be in every color. A gem quality sapphire is rarer than diamonds. Sometimes sapphires are found with a star light phenomenon called asterism.
Sapphire is well known as a blue color but the padparadscha sapphire, a pink orange color, is actually the rarest color and most sought after by gem collectors. The padparadscha sapphire is found in Sri Lanka. The royal blue sapphire is found in Kancha Thailand and the cornflower blue sapphire is found in Montana. White sapphires have been used as diamond substitutes. One of the most popular sapphire colors lately are the pink sapphires. Some jewelers like to make bracelets with every color of sapphire displayed. They are called rainbow sapphire bracelets.
Many people think that there is only one birthstone for each month. The fact is that there are several different birthstones associated with each month. In the case of September, these are some beautiful options, all of which can be attractive reminders of your birth month.
September Modern and Traditional Birthstone
Sapphire and Peridot
The traditional birthstones for the month of September are the
sapphire and the peridot. Some attribute the use of the sapphire in the
listing of birthstones to the fact that sapphires are associated with
lists of precious stones found in both the Jewish and the Christian
traditions. The sapphire is mentioned as one of the stones used to adorn
the Breastplate of Aaron, included in the second row of stones. This
incidence is mentioned in writings considered to be sacred by both Jews
and Christians. As part of the New Testament canon, the sapphire is also
associated with the New Jerusalem that is to appear in the end times.
Here it is described as being included in the second foundation for the
city. Persons who prefer to ascribe religious significance to the stones
associated with each birth month often find the sapphire to be the
ideal for this point of view. In fact, the sapphire has survived as
being the single birthstone for the month of September, as found on
modern lists.
September Alternate Birthstone
Lapis Lazuli
An alternate listing for birthstones names the beautiful Lapis Lazuli as the birthstone of choice for persons born in September. As one of those stones that can be dressed up for a night out on the town or be worn as an accessory while out shopping, the lapis lazuli is considered to be pretty and versatile. Some persons who understand stones to possess mystic energy tend to think of the Lapis lazuli as being loaded with healing properties. Essentially, wearing the stone as part of an amulet, a bracelet, or a ring is understood as being one way to help safeguard one's health. Pure stones that have not been placed into a setting may also be kept in a natural container and placed on a nightstand, to help support a restful and recuperative sleep. Whatever your take on the purpose and function of birthstones, there is no doubt that the choices for the month of September are indeed beautiful and a lot of fun to have around. Why not look into your birthstones today and see what you can find out about their background in both tradition and folklore?
Birthstone Overview
The modern and traditional birthstone for September is the sapphire
The mystical birthstone is agate
The ayurvedic birthstone is the moonstone
Sapphire: Brings mental clarity and clears mental garbage. Carrier of the blue ray (when light passes through it in just the right way.)
Birthdays are just a little more special when they have a stone as special as the sapphire asociated with them. The blue sapphire is an ancient stone (in that it has been well loved for thousands of years) and is reputed to have a variety of powers to go along with its glorious good looks.
Sapphire is the birthstone for September and the gemstone given for anniversaries of the 5th, 23rd, and 45th years of marriage. For the 65th anniversary a star sapphire is given.
The word sapphire comes from the ancient Greek word for blue, "sapphirus." Of course, sapphires, like most precious gems, have a time-honored association with priests (who considered them symbolic of purity) and kings (who considered them symbolic of wisdom.)
Sapphire jewelry has been around equally long. The deep blue compliments many other gems and settings, as well as the gold, silver, and platinum used in fine sapphire rings.
Since sapphires were mined as early as the 7th Century BC in India and what is now Sri Lanka. Today they are found in Sri Lanka, Australia, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Kashmir, Myanmar, Thailand, China, Madagascar, and the United States.
Against Which All Others Are Measured: Sapphires, like rubies, are a variety of corundum. The sapphire's color spectrum includes pink and lavender varieties, a rare orange hue, and, of course, the velvety blue sapphire that earned the gemstone its name.
Because of the way in which corundum crystals are formed, large sapphires are rare…and valuable. The priceless 563-carat Star of India, on display at New York City's Museum of Natural History, is the largest and most famous of "star sapphires" (sapphires that are cut to reflect light from inclusions within the stone to reveal a bright six-legged star pattern).To Your Health: So strong was the power of a sapphire, it was alleged that a venomous snake put in a vessel made of sapphire would quickly die. Sapphires therefore earned the reputation as an excellent all-purpose medicine and were ingested as an antidote to poison.
Additionally, sapphires were ground into powders as a remedy for everything from colic to rheumatism and mental illness. Sapphires were also believed to be able to stop bleeding and cure disorders of the eye.
The Eyes Have It: Egyptians associated the clear sapphire with the eye of Horas -- the all-seeing, all-knowing "eye in the sky" -- while the gemstone was used by the Greeks to to tap into the subconscious mind by stimulating the opening of the "third eye."
A Mirror of the Soul: Husbands and wives in ancient times frequently exchanged gifts of sapphires. Although the fact that sapphires represent sincerity and faithfulness was undoubtedly the primary reason it was a popular marriage gift, another motive may have been at work: it was believed that a sapphire would not shine if worn by someone who was wicked or impure. Sapphires were considered to be so powerful they continued to protect the original owner even after being sold.
Say it With Sapphires: Clear sapphires, like diamonds, are the guardians of love. When exchanged with a loved one, Sapphires enhance feelings for one another and attunes the two psyches. Sapphires have the power to banish envy and jealousy, and are said to promote chastity in virgins and fidelity in marriage